Krakow Apartment

Project Details

Client: Madars Bitenieks
Date: 25 Janvaris, 2015
Location: Krakow
Category: building, house, office


Our Client Says

"It has been a pleasure working with you. I have always known that you will provide the utmost care and support to our employees."

Madars Bitenieks - company "TR&A" owner

Project Description

The building was designed to enhance police operations and community policing services and is home to the Fort Collins Police Museum, a 1900 square-foot community room, an enhanced crime laboratory, property and evidence processing and storage, a communications center, an Emergency Operations Center, training facilitiesand administrative functions.

For the employees who work in the facility, the building interior provides a very secure yet “human” environment. From the outside, plains architecture featuring a long low roof line creates a quite.

The Ottawa Art Society Fund is a Donor-Advised Fund
managed by the
Ottawa Community Foundation
